03 Jan Let the Journey Begin
And so the journey begins…
Welcome to a project that has been in the making since August of last year…yes about 5 months! I won’t overcomplicate things but let’s just say it’s about time!
Becoming a mom of multiples has had a profound effect on my life and I’m talking outside of the myriad of ways becoming a parent at all changes you. The journey, or rather hazing as I sometimes feel it is, that has seemed to occur since my boys were born has opened my eyes to a huge deficit in the realm of parenthood and that is the lack of judgement free parenting and places where we could lift each other up. This deficit has compelled me to get back to something that has meant a lot to me for as long as I can remember and something that has brought me clarity when I needed it most and that one thing is writing.
I’m going to document this story, our story, in my own words, one shit show at a time, and hope that I can be an area of refuge for other moms/parents, especially moms/parents of multiples. In My Own Words is also much bigger than parenting. It’s about illuminating the highs and lows of, well, life. We all do the best we can and are continuous works in progress and need an outlet where we can say, “I’m really not alone.” Also if I can bring any humor to this journey of life we are on, even if it is at my husband’s expense which I can pretty much guarantee you at some point it will be, then my heart will be full.
We are all enough and I can’t wait to travel this road with you!
With immense thanks for your support,
Janeen Pugliese
Posted at 21:09h, 03 JanuaryCan’t wait!!
Proud of you Mich! You’re amazing
Michele Lovetri
Posted at 14:29h, 04 JanuaryThanks Janeen! xo
Janel Sharpe
Posted at 21:16h, 03 JanuaryWhat a beautiful page Michele. My journey into parenthood, over the last 18 months has been the most difficult yet rewarding time in my life. No matter how much I thought I knew, I had no idea. Congratulations on your beautiful twins and endeavors with this page. I look forward to reading all of the nuggets that you will share. Best of luck. Janel
Michele Lovetri
Posted at 14:42h, 04 JanuaryJanel your words mean so much! I have had all of these rolling thoughts since becoming a mom 20 months ago (looks like our littles are close in age!) and just want to do what I can to bring other moms together and create a platform for others to feel supported, understood and heard. It is incredibly challenging and exhausting but wonderful at the same time! Your support means so much and it is so wonderful to hear from you after all these years! Let’s stay in touch and congratulations on your beautiful miracle as well! Please feel free to share any of the posts!