my light in a capsule : Michele Lovetri
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my light in a capsule

my light in a capsule

This is what my lifeline looks like. This is what makes me a better person, mother, wife, family member and friend. This tiny capsule consists of 40mg of gratitude.. It runs thru my body and breathes life and gratitude into me.. While I have always ebbed and flowed emotionally my mental health struggles became truly profound after the birth of my boys in 2016. And to be clear just because one has a history of some emotional instability it does not mean that they will absolutely battle mental illness after birth. This battles has been the greatest war of my life. Every single day I fight for my life and am haunted by thoughts of moms that have succumbed to the darkness that is perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. I refuse to give up. I refuse to fall victim to the darkness. I refuse to let this monster win. I have so many resources in my arsenal to help me with this fight and the one I hold close is my medication. I take medication for anxiety, panic, OCD and depression. In addition to daily medication I have back-up medication that I keep on hand for episodes of true panic. I am not crazy. I have not “lost my mind.” I am not a bad mother. I am not a failure. What I am is my own hero. What I am is normal. What I am is a phenomenal mother.

The idea of taking medication could be overwhelming. Between the various side effects they could have, length of time before it can actually begin making a difference, broad range of medication choices, and overall stigma around taking medications for mental illness, the decision to take that step and fill that prescription could seem monumental Did you know that 33% of prescriptions are never filled? Yes I didn’t think the number would be that high either, but this is the reality.

I am so happy to have partnered with Walgreens for their Wake-Up Call Campaign to bring to light the importance of medication adherence. Taking the step toward medication is heroic, but committing to yourself, and your wellness puts us on superhero status. My meds do not change me as a person, they make me a better one. I have tried several medications along this journey and while discouraged along the way I have never given up and that is what this campaign is about, not giving up. I did not give up and am on my way. I’ve found a medication that is making that light a little brighter and I will never miss a day of taking it. I also do not pressure myself if I have to take my rescue medication when life just gets too overwhelming and the anxiety and panic are attacking me with a little more force than I could handle. The discovery of these medications has saved lives. Medication can save lives. I truly believe that.

No matter how busy you are, Walgreens services can help you stay on top of your medications. Save a Trip Refill (it’s a savior!) and Walgreens Express TM help make medication refills quick and easy. Find out more by visiting your local Walgreens pharmacist or check out their very user-friendly app by going to You have got this, never forget that and we are behind you all the way!

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  • Daniel Lench
    Posted at 21:25h, 23 October

    Big thumbs up for backup meds! In the car, at work, emergency stash at the family house!
    Thanks Michele, we are not alone 😉

  • Lindsey r
    Posted at 00:06h, 18 November

    I have a fear of taking meds. I have two full bottles of Pristiq sitting over on my desk. I get the not filling meds as well. That’s me for sure.
    I am so much like you with life it’s crazy. But my fear takes over my whole life. Fear of taking drugs, fear of drivi g and just fear overall.
    Thank you for your blog and Instagram.

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